From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Cleaning text fields

Cleaning text fields - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Cleaning text fields

- [Instructor] One key part of the transformation process is cleaning the data because it makes the rest of the steps much easier and smoother afterwards. Examples of text cleaning include removing leading and trailing spaces and standardizing capitalization between values in a field. (screen whooshes) In our query for connecting to the daily weather stations from NOAA, we already split the columns by fixed widths for their respective fields. However, one challenge with fixed width splits or splitting by any number of characters is that it becomes easier to introduce leading or trailing spaces into the field, which are hard to spot often until they present a problem later. Power Query is fantastic for many reasons, but especially because it makes repeating these steps easier by letting us clean the data in an easy and straightforward manner. For the Data ID field, if we click into a value in the column, we see displays at the bottom of the query. If we click into this value by…
