From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Connecting to GitHub

Connecting to GitHub - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Connecting to GitHub

- [Instructor] GitHub is a developer platform that enables us to create store and manage code. It also enables version control and many facets of project management. Here's a GitHub account that we'll explore in this video containing data for the weather that we've been working on throughout this course. This includes a CSV file containing data that we'll connect to from Power BI. Within Power BI we can connect to GitHub in a few different ways. Let's first create a new connection by searching for GitHub in our Power Query connection options. There is a GitHub connection. Note, there's a suffix on the end of it indicating it's currently in beta mode. We'll select it. If we choose to connect to it we see a warning message on our screen telling us that this data connector is still in development and there may be unresolved issues in using it that are unexpected. So in other words, buyer, or developer in this case, beware. Let's continue to work on this connection as we do want to see…
