From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Connecting to images as data

Connecting to images as data - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Connecting to images as data

- Images are data themselves that are stored in different formats than the tabular data we normally work with. On a high level, this process first involves importing image data as a binary object into Power Query. We'll then convert it into a text bit map with the help of a few formulas. Lastly, we'll load the bitmap into Power BI, and convert it back into image data by setting its data category as an image URL. Our course project focuses on California tourism, so let's bring our company Explore California logo into Power BI as an image. Notice it's a smaller image. Power BI supports thumbnail images, but not larger ones. So if you're working with larger images that you want to bring in as data points, you'll want to resize them first. We can use any connector to connect to our image, because Power Query doesn't have a built-in connector to image data file formats like PNG and JPEG, like we're using here. Instead of selecting text files, we'll select all files. And select the same…
