From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Connecting to ODATA feeds

Connecting to ODATA feeds - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Connecting to ODATA feeds

- [Instructor] OData or open data protocol connections are pre-built API connections that we can extract data from directly. We can learn more about how OData connections work and their protocols on their documentation page. These connections aren't always available, but they're useful if they are what we're looking for. Let's connect to public data for Los Angeles rainfall via an OData connection on the website. If we open the Action menus in the top right of the screen, we can see various options for accessing this data. We see it has an API. We also see that it has an OData connection, which we can select via access via OData. This gives us a link to connect directly to the OData source. We can tell that we're connecting to an OData source because the URL denotes an OData connection within it. Let's then copy it to use it in Power BI. In Power BI, we can set up an OData connection directly through its built-in Power BI connector. We'll choose OData feed. We'll…
