From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Dates functions

Dates functions

- [Tutor] Understanding and using date functions effectively within Power BI and within Power Query can make a huge impact on our modeling process. We can use dates to build other parts of the EDL framework as dimensions for aggregating our data, and with many different calculations. Date function categories include Dates, DateTimes, DateTimeZones, Time, and Duration. Power Query has thorough documentation on these date functions and much more. We can see the function groups if we scroll down in the Functions overview list. We're going to cover a few key ways to use these functions, but I encourage you to explore more of them on your own to see if there are other functions that you find useful to your own work. We're going to focus mostly on date functions first. We can create a date using the #date function, which will set up in a new blank query. If we hit Enter before entering our parameters into the date function, we see what the required parameters look like. This function…
