From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Grouping fields and values

Grouping fields and values - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Grouping fields and values

- [Instructor] Grouping allows us to aggregate fields based on other dimensions in the table. Let's say we want to aggregate our daily weather data for Santa Barbara by their average high temperatures. Let's first filter the data type field to only the TMAX rows. In our data table, we also have a field for the month and year, which gives us the first date in any month. Let's use this as our dimension that we're grouping by. We'll select the field and choose the grouping options from the Transform menu. In the dialogue box that opens, we'll then choose to average the temperature field as the aggregation by the month and year field. We'll give this new column the name, Average High Temperature. This returns a table with two columns. The first one is the date dimension that we're aggregating over, and the second is the average high temperature for each of these month and year combination labels. In the formula bar, we see that grouping involves the function, Table.Group, first, using the…
