From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Power Query objects

Power Query objects

- [Instructor] A programming object contains variables, functions, and data structures. Power Query objects in M include tables, list records, values, binaries, functions, errors, and parameters. In Power Query, binary objects are files combined or read using other functions. Examples of these include CSV and Excel files in our computers, images, and data stored online. Once we connect to a binary object, we then need to read the data it contains. We already have a table object in Power Query, which stores data in a tabular format. This is an example of an object, and I'm going to talk about this quite a bit throughout this course. Within Power Query in the M language, tables, lists, and records are objects that store structured values. We can create lists using curly braces. These can be numerical, like 1 through 10, but they can also contain string values. We can also create lists using list formulas like for example, a list of dates or by referencing a column of an existing query…
