From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Query folding

Query folding

- [Instructor] Databases store vast quantities of structured data that we can query and process efficiently through query languages, like SQL. To optimize query efficiency, we want to push as much work back to the database connection as we can. One way we can do this is through query folding, which translates our Power Query extract and transformation steps into SQL commands that it pushes back to the database. In order for this functionality to work, the database we connect to must have a server with query folding capabilities. Excel is not a database, and therefore, it doesn't support query folding. There are a number of query transformation steps that work with query folding. and others that don't. The best way to figure out which ones work is to walk through a series of ETL steps in Power Query and confirm whether or not they work along the way. We'll first connect to SQL Server in a database that I stored on my computer. We'll first choose the import data connectivity mode. Let's…
