From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Refreshing data

Refreshing data

- [Instructor] We can think of Power BI Desktop as a design and development application. Well, the Power BI services where we share our work, are more for enterprise level scalability and shareability for working across an organization, I've created two Power BI models, one that refreshes in the Power BI service automatically and one that doesn't. The Power BI file, Weather 1, uses a custom function to call the station name for LAX and Santa Barbara. Weather 2 calls each location separately and appends them together. You can explore both of these Power BI models directly in the exercise files and update them yourself as they both connect to the zipped weather data from Noa. To manually refresh a Power BI model, we can do so through the refresh button at the top of the page. This refreshes both the data behind the model as well as the visuals that it supports. Now that we know the data is up to date, let's publish the model. We'll select to publish it to our Explorer California…
