From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Removing or replacing values

Removing or replacing values - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Removing or replacing values

- [Instructor] If we want to replace values in Power BI, we can do this with the replace values functionality. We can either replace one character with each time it occurs within a field with another one, or we can replace an entire matching string with something else. If we look at the station name field, there are discrepancies between the spelling and labels between all these names. There are over 120,000 station names, and they're not necessarily standardized. For example, we might see periods in one name when we have an abbreviation and not in others. If we want to remove a period like we see in row three, we can do that through the replace values functionality. We'll right click on the column name and choose Replace Values. We'll then input a period as the character we want to replace, and we'll replace it with an empty string. We can also use multiple characters as strings that we want to replace. For example, we see discrepancies between how international is spelled. We'll…
