From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Transforming numerical fields

Transforming numerical fields - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Transforming numerical fields

- [Instructor] We can perform numeric calculations on numbers, which include operations, like addition or subtraction and multiplication or division, as well as other calculations like absolute values, exponents, logarithms, rounding, and many more. So far, we filtered down the Santa Barbara weather to display the temperatures since the 1st of January of 2022. If we look at column four, we see that these don't look like temperatures; they're extraordinarily hot, so let's rename this Value, and we're going to modify it. We'll call it Temperature actually, and then we're going to call a column next to it Datatype. Now we can add a new column for our temperature calculations. We can, however, take the column and perform calculations on it in place, much like we saw with the text transformations earlier in this chapter. We'll first highlight the Temperature column. We can see some of these options if we right click on it and look at the transformation options available. There are more of…
