From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Transposing tables

Transposing tables

- [Instructor] Transposing is an incredibly useful transformation functionality that enables us to change a data table's orientation by switching its rows and columns. In a live weather connection to an HTML page storing the Santa Barbara live weather, notice the orientation of the data table. It's also important to note that your view may look different from mine if you update the data to use the latest weather measurements. The labels for the latest measurements display as the rows in column one, while the values associated with these rows appear in column two. Let's put our rows into the column headers by transposing our entire table through the transpose options in the transform ribbon. Notice how we don't see our original column names, column one and column two and the transpose table. We would expect to see them in the rows for column one. We can then promote our first row as headers to create a data table with a single row in many columns or fields representing the data…
