From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Using a Python script connector

Using a Python script connector - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Using a Python script connector

- [Instructor] Like R scripts, Python scripts are also useful for the few tasks in Power BI where the functionalities don't quite work to do what we want them to do within the interface. It can do many of the same things as R, but Python has a lot more capabilities where we can use it for things like integrations and connecting data within larger ecosystems of other applications. To get Python to work in Power BI Desktop, you'll want to install it on your computer if you haven't already. You'll also need to install Pandas and Matplotlib libraries or packages in order to have it to run. Once we upload this to shared accounts like the Power BI service, Python will run off of the cloud instead. We can access Python scripting through the Options menu. We'll then choose the Python scripting sub menu, and we can choose our Python directory to use. It also detects IDEs. So this is already set up, so now let's run a Python script. Let's use the following example of a Python script to see how…
