From the course: Power BI Data Methods

What you should know - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

What you should know

- [Instructor] To maximize your learning and utilization from the content in this course, you should already be familiar with how to navigate and use Power BI. You want to know how the workflow within Power BI works on a high level, which includes importing data through the Power Query editor, loading it into Power BI, and creating visuals with this data. We're going to focus on the data part of this process in this course, but if you would like to learn more about visuals within Power BI and other tools, I highly recommend checking out other courses in the library on these topics. You'll also want to be comfortable using Excel, working with data in a tabular format and basic data types like dates, numbers, and strings, and how to switch between them. And unfortunately, Power BI is only available on a Windows machine, so you'll need one of those as well. If you want to follow along, you'll need at least a Power BI pro account to test out loading and using the data. With that, let's get started.
