From the course: Power BI Data Methods

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Working with multidimensional databases

Working with multidimensional databases - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Methods

Working with multidimensional databases

- [Instructor] Multidimensional databases, like Analysis Services, work as predefined queries referencing databases where the user doesn't have to write a query to access the data, but rather, they connect to the model with the predefined dimensions and calculations. These tables are typically already joined together in the model, and we can use DAX or MDX queries to get data from them. It's important to emphasize that these aren't relational databases, and they work differently. We might see multidimensional databases that use relational databases as sources for their tables, but they're not the same thing, and we don't connect them in the same way or use the same languages, like SQL, to query them. Instead, we use DAX or MDX queries. As we saw in the last video, relational databases support direct query and import connectivity modes. Multidimensional databases also support the import connectivity mode, which allow for us to access and utilize the functionalities and features of…
