From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Create a smart narrative with AI

Create a smart narrative with AI - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Create a smart narrative with AI

- [Instructor] There's a new type of visualization that was added to the Power BI Gallery after this course was recorded, and it's a visualization that uses artificial intelligence and, in fact, serves as the foundation for one of the Copilot features that we're going to see early next year. So I'd like to show you quickly how this works in case you have a need for it before then, but also so you can be thinking about it. Now I'm going to switch into Edit mode, and this visualization is called a Smart Narrative. It's icon looks like a page, like almost a document icon for Microsoft Word. But just work your way through the gallery, it appears near the bottom. And when I drop into my report, I simply click Smart Narrative and a new narrative will be created for me. And this is a text-based summary that is telling me things about perhaps maximum values or minimum values that are found in my report. The difference here when we begin working with Copilot is that you will then be able to…
