From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Working with Audio

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Quality control (QC) your mix and splits with Audition

Quality control (QC) your mix and splits with Audition - Premiere Pro Tutorial

From the course: Premiere Pro Guru: Working with Audio

Quality control (QC) your mix and splits with Audition

- Cheryl, we went into Adobe Audition earlier. It's Adobe's dedicated audio tool, and it would make sense that now that we're getting to that advanced stage of QC, or quality control, that we might want to jump into a dedicated tool. So, let's launch Audition, but what are we going to do there? - [Cheryl] We are actually going to bring in our stereo full mix, and analyze it in the loudness matching tool. It will give us all our parameters and let us know if we are going to pass QC. - [Man] Alright, so we've launched Adobe Audition, and we simply need to add the file. We can do this by choosing File, Open, and there's our full mix. I could expand that out to make sure, that looks right. - [Cheryl] Right. - [Male] So, I'll just click open and it's selected. So, this is the stereo mix down of the whole sequence. - [Cheryl] And, let's bring up the Match Loudness window. - [Male] So, under Workspace there, we'll just bring up Match Loudness, or Option or Alt 5. So now it's a dedicated…
