From the course: Print Production: Prepress and Press Checks

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Submitting your job

Submitting your job

Once you've finished your project and you've double checked everything, it's time to submit your files to the printer. Now, if you're using Adobe InDesign and you're submitting Native files, then use Preflight. Now, InDesgin has built-in default Preflight profiles, but a lot of printers send out custom profiles to their clients. And those profiles are tailored to their particular workflow. So, if you have a preflight profile sent by your printer, be sure that you use that as you're preflighting your document. You want to gather up all the pieces, and InDesign makes that easy, just choose file package, and it gathers up your In Design file, any placed graphics, and any fonts that are needed by the document with one important exception If you're using InDesign CC, you have access through your creative cloud membership to something called Typekit desktop fonts. Now you can use them through your InDesign files, you can actually use them in any application on your computer. They allow…
