From the course: Print Production: Prepress and Press Checks

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Working with sales and customer service

Working with sales and customer service - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: Print Production: Prepress and Press Checks

Working with sales and customer service

The salesperson and a customer service representative are going to be your primary contacts through the life of your job. The salesperson is probably going to be your initial contact. And his job is to gather general job information from you, what stock you want to use, what your general expectations are of the job, the general nature of the job. And he's going to take that back to the printing company, get an estimate and provide you with an estimate of the pricing for the job. And as part of that, he's also going to provide you with a provisional schedule, and that'll give you an idea of when you need to have your files submitted to the printer, and it'll tell you when those little milestones are going to take place, when your job is printed, when it's going to be finished, if there's any fulfillment involved, and so forth. Once the job is entered, the customer service representative, the CSR, is going to be your most common contact throughout the life of the job. The CSR serves as…
