From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

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The essential toolkit for product leaders

The essential toolkit for product leaders

From the course: Product Management: Launching Your Product

The essential toolkit for product leaders

failing the plan is planning to fail. You need to have a plan in order to succeed. You don't accidentally trip into successes. But this quote makes it sound like all you need is a plan and success is secured. Nope. to plan and monitor, mitigate and repeat. In this video, I'll cover the essential tools and I'll cover how to get your team to adopt and use these tools too. For a product launch, there are three must haves for your toolkit. A tool to manage your team. One to manage your marketing, To manage your team, and activities that happen behind the scenes. There are many moving pieces across different team members. The tool you use will help you manage your team when deadlines are missed or tasks are dropped so you can step in and mitigate. This way, you could put more resources toward a problem or solve an issue before your product launch stalls. My favorite team management tools are Asana or Trello. These web-based software are free for smaller teams and can help manage your…
