From the course: Project Management Foundations: Quality

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Applying Six Sigma in projects

Applying Six Sigma in projects

- Now I want to talk about why Six Sigma is important for project managers. But first, let's talk about breakfast. One of my favorite projects on the weekend is making pancakes. Sometimes they're perfect, they're fluffy, they're just the right size and shape and they're nicely browned on both sides but there are also some defective pancakes, they're too big or too small or they're burned on the outside and gooey in the middle. Those defective pancakes are a waste of ingredients, a waste of electricity and a waste of my time. They take almost exactly the same investment of resources as a perfect pancake but they create no value because my kids won't eat them. So how can I reduce this waste and stop making defective pancakes? Well, that's what Six Sigma is all about. Six Sigma is a process improvement technique that was created around statistics and statistical process control. We won't go into the math right now or…
