From the course: Project Management Simplified

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What to do when your project is late or over budget

What to do when your project is late or over budget

From the course: Project Management Simplified

What to do when your project is late or over budget

- It's pretty common for projects to be late or over budget because things change, and so plans rarely work out a hundred percent as you hoped. So what can be done? If you are behind schedule, you have six options. Number one, you can throw resources at the remainder of the project to speed it up. Resources could mean more people, night shifts, contractors, machinery, air freight instead of sea, whatever it takes, but of course, they all cost money. Next, you can reduce the quality of the remainder of the project, which could mean reducing the scope. This might be with the agreement of the customer, or without them noticing, although I think that latter option is a bit risky, I don't like it, but I know it happens. Third, you could overlap some of the remaining tasks, which saves you time and doesn't add any cost, but it can add complication and risk. Fourth, if time is not the key driver of the project, then you could just let the project run late, ideally agreeing on it with the…
