From the course: Project Management: Technical Projects

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Challenges with new technology

Challenges with new technology

- One of the most exciting parts of being a technical project manager is bringing new technology to your business, expanded capabilities, efficiencies and new ways in which you can help your customers often depend on new technology. Honestly, it's great fun and can be absolutely terrifying. I've learned the hard way that deploying new tech in your project should enhance your focus on potential risks. Using the latest and greatest product or software can surface the following issues. First, you can become the accidental tester. While vendors are usually diligent about testing a product before selling it, pressures to bring a product to market can lead to shortcuts. While it may appear a new product will work, it might not have been thoroughly tested in your technological or physical environment. In Australia where I live, there are a lot of mining companies. Project managers often run into technology with great…
