From the course: Project Management: Technical Projects

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Change in a technical project

Change in a technical project

(upbeat music) - Former US president, Woodrow Wilson, is quoted as saying, "If you want to make enemies, try to change something." Unfortunately, as technical project managers, we change a lot of things, so we risk becoming public enemy number one. To avoid this fate, we need to focus on change in four dimensions. First, there's change to the products we produce. While this is traditional change management for a project, diligence is required to ensure we don't change technical tools too extensively. Given the speed technology advances nowadays, the temptation to leap forward to the best and greatest thing is inviting. Be cautious as big leaps in technology can add cost and risk to your project as you deal with products that aren't fully market tested or might not work well in your current environment. Next, focus on changing processes. The processes used by your clients to utilize the products of your project…
