From the course: Project Management: Technical Projects

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Problem: Access anywhere and everywhere

Problem: Access anywhere and everywhere

From the course: Project Management: Technical Projects

Problem: Access anywhere and everywhere

(soft music) - We've discussed the potential problems with having technology available 24 by 7. These include the availability of service, the availability of support, maintenance approach, time zone considerations, and worldwide access considerations. Having systems available worldwide, particularly if you're selling a product, presents a whole different set of issues. These start with language issues, different tax and purchasing laws, and global pricing differences. Meaning the price for the same product can vary widely from country to country. Beyond that, if you aren't careful, fluctuating currency exchange rates and supply chain challenges can mean that a profitable product at home can lose you money when sold overseas. Worldwide access anywhere and any time presents a significant set of challenges, as I've just mentioned. Considering the testing recommendations I shared earlier in the course, including…
