From the course: Project Management: Technical Projects

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Problem: Using artificial intelligence

Problem: Using artificial intelligence

From the course: Project Management: Technical Projects

Problem: Using artificial intelligence

(bouncy music) - Artificial intelligence, or AI, is becoming more and more a part of our everyday lives. Anyone that uses Siri or Alexa or calls out, "Hey, Google," is invoking an artificial intelligence engine. Additional examples include chat bots on websites and voice response systems on the telephone. The list of AI elements is long. It's almost inevitable as technical project managers will have to deal with AI as a requirement or as part of a project solution. The definition of AI has changed over the years. For our purpose, I use this definition: the design and development of computer systems that have the knowledge and skills required to perform the tasks which usually require human intelligence to undertake. The benefits of AI are substantial: reductions in human error, the ability for hardware like robots to enter environments that are dangerous to humans, they're available 24 by 7, help with repetitive jobs…
