From the course: Project Management: Technical Projects

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Solution: Using artificial intelligence

Solution: Using artificial intelligence

From the course: Project Management: Technical Projects

Solution: Using artificial intelligence

(bright music) - In the last video, I shared the following problem around deploying artificial intelligence. After performing considerable research and incurring notable costs, a company installed an AI-based chatbot on their website and nobody used it. Considering the content of this course, what do you believe the problems were with the project that researched, developed, and installed the chatbot? One of the primary concerns with this project is best summed up by this quote from Amit Ray, the author of "Compassionate Artificial Intelligence." "As more and more artificial intelligence "is entering into the world, "more and more emotional intelligence "must enter into leadership." In this course, we frequently discuss the human factors associated with technology solutions, including the focus on customer experience versus technical support. The customers who rated the company's help desk highly cited two reasons for…
