From the course: Prompt Engineering: How to Talk to the AIs

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- If you have made it so far, congratulations, you are now pretty knowledgeable in this new and very important discipline of prompt engineering. You now have all the necessary foundations to go out and experiment on your own. The field is rapidly evolving and we all need to keep up, but with the content you have just learned, you are definitely going to be in a great position to be successful in this new AI revolution. If you want more information, I've included a PDF of some resources that you might want to check out. Many of them have been referenced. Thanks for watching. I appreciate you taking the time. We have covered a lot and this is just the beginning. Go ahead and create a free account with OpenAI and start using this exciting new technology. Experiment with ChatGPT and the many other generative AI tools that are being introduced everyday. It's not only fascinating and fun but will no doubt have a great impact…
