From the course: Quality Management Foundations

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The six sigma method

The six sigma method

- Six Sigma is probably the best known approach to quality management today. Many companies strive to meet Six Sigma targets, and many employees are trained in these techniques. The goal of Six Sigma is to provide reliable products and consistent services to your customers. You're not looking to eliminate defects and errors but to reduce them to a very small number. You accomplish this by following a very specific method for improving the quality of key processes within your business. The method is called DMAIC. Now I'm only going to highlight the principles of this method, so there's a handout in the exercise files that explains this in more detail. To apply the DMAIC methodology you first define the process you wish to improve. Then you measure and analyze the defects found within that process. You now find ways to improve the process by reducing defects and then you put control mechanisms in place so that the improvements are everlasting. Let's look deeper into the improve part of…
