From the course: Real-World GIS

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How to get the USA national map data

How to get the USA national map data - ArcGIS Pro Tutorial

From the course: Real-World GIS

How to get the USA national map data

- [Presenter] So you've determined you need National GIS Data. So let me show you how to get it. Many countries have established National GIS Data infrastructure programs and most have an official national map that has different GIS layers. In the United States, we call that the National Map. So here in my search engine, I'm going to search for National Map and we are interested in the National Map Viewer. So let's click on the second link here and we're going to launch now the National Map Viewer. Notice this National Map viewer has many different controls on the top in the GIS framework but we are interested in a data download. So let's click on data download in the upper-left. The USGS who maintained the national map in the United States has built this separate portal for downloading data and one day, it might be merged as one site altogether. On this second site, we have a similar interface to GIS with content layers…
