From the course: Remarketing Strategies with Google Ads and Analytics

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Review campaign level data

Review campaign level data

- [Instructor] Okay, so now your remarketing campaigns are running, but how do you optimize them moving forward? That's what we're going to walk through in this module today. For starters, it's always helpful to just keep an eye on ongoing trends to see if anything is changing over time, and you can do that right from the Campaign tab. You can look specifically at any different metrics that you want to take a look at. You can change date ranges, and then, of course, you can also add comparison date ranges if you want to compare two timeframes. I'm sure you're probably pretty familiar with the Google Ads interface, so we won't spend too much time kind of walking through that, but the next thing that I like to look at are the ad groups. So if you just click into the campaign you want to take a look at, it'll take you right into the ad groups. I personally like to organize different audiences by ad groups, just to make…
