From the course: Resilience Strategies for Optimal Performance

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Practice discomfort

Practice discomfort

- In my Building Resilience LinkedIn Learning Course, I describe how to raise your resilience threshold. Just this athletes undergo specific training programs to raise their aerobic threshold to perform at a higher level, you also can bump up your capacity through specific methods of training. Using intentional discomfort scenarios can be an effective way to build up your confidence and mental toughness. I once worked with a professional who became very uncomfortable when anyone would direct their attention towards her. It reached the point where she was paralyzed by just the thought of face-to-face presentations and meetings. Her performance was suffering, and she knew that unless she somehow conquered her fears, her career would be in jeopardy. So what did we do to help her overcome her fears? Yoga. Yep, you heard it right. I knew she already was taking yoga class, but as I guessed, she probably would be hiding…
