From the course: Revit: Architectural Families

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Adding 2D hardware such as hinges

Adding 2D hardware such as hinges - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit: Architectural Families

Adding 2D hardware such as hinges

- [Voiceover] Alright, I want to add some hinges. The problem is I don't want to add real hinges. Because of the fact that, suppose we're doing a hospital, and we had a thousand of these cabinets. You want to have four hinges per cabinet times a thousand? Nah, I don't think so. So what we're going to do is we're going to make hinges, but they're going to be line work. They're still going to be smart, and they're still going to be parametric. So I'm going to open up my wall cabinet hinges model, or you can just open up whatever model you've been working away in. I'm going to go to my purple R drop-down, and I'm going to go the New, and I'm going to go the Family. Go to my favorite Generic Model Face-Based, and I'm going to hit Open. Now I'm still going to use reference planes, so I'm going to right-click on this reference plane, and I'm going to Create Similar. On my Draw panel, I'm going to click on Pick Lines. I'm going to offset a quarter of an inch. I'm going to go to the left a…
