From the course: Rhino: T-Splines

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Crease in T-Splines

Crease in T-Splines - Rhino Tutorial

From the course: Rhino: T-Splines

Crease in T-Splines

- [Voiceover] Let's now take a look at the Crease function in T-Spline. I'm going to first start by going to the primitives. Let's bring in a quad ball. Start from zero and pull it out. Just apply it the way it is. You can turn off symmetry. I'm going to go to my T-Spline dock here and make sure the edges are selected. We can select and Shift select multiple edges. Let's try just one-half for now. Then simply go to the Crease command, which is right here and left click. You'll notice that it only took whatever what was selected and gave it this hard transition to the other side, leaving the other half completely smooth. You can remove creases, again, by selecting the crease you want to make smooth again. I can try every other and just right click on Crease. You can see that it has a very cool transition from smooth to crease back to smooth again. Let's go ahead and go back to the way it was. I can try these two right here, and left click on Crease. Essentially, you can create some…
