From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

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Add a simple test for site two

Add a simple test for site two

- [Instructor] As you know, our primary goal is to create a test suite that has end to end test cases between Web App 1 and Web App 2, but I want to underscore the fact that even thought there are end to end test cases, there are usually independent test cases for Web App 1 and independent test cases for Web App 2 along with the end to end test cases. My goal in this section is to show you how all three of these things can coexist. So let's get started by creating one simple test case for Web App 2 just to represent the fact that some tests will be there and we'll be reusing some of its components for our end to end testing. I've got the project that we ended with in the last lecture open and inside the Tests folder, you can see there's only Tests in the Front Office web application for now. And we also only have resources for Front Office and Common. So instead of starting from scratch for the Back Office Test Cases, let's see if we can be efficient and copy and paste and reuse some…
