From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

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- [Instructor] Okay, so now we're in the home stretch. Let's talk about Bootstrap Basics. Bootstrap was released in 2011 and it's a collection of CSS plus JavaScript libraries that speed up web development. Essentially what it does is it provides top level containers and by containers I mean a div and a class that surrounds the entire web page that defines whether the web page is a fixed width or what's called a fluid width. In a fluid width, when you resize the browser, the content also grows and shrinks, whereas with a fixed width even when you increase and decrease the width of the browser, the web page stays the same size right in the center of the browser. It also provides a variety of time saving classes that can be applied to various tags, and those classes will either have an impact of styling or something cosmetic, or something functional, or both. Bootstrap also provides lots of icons and a wide variety of styling features that make web pages just look better. It also…
