From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

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Create the looping keyword file

Create the looping keyword file

- [Instructor] So as you can see the next thing we have to do is to create our one keyword in the app keyword file that's going to do the commons steps. It's going to have arguments to catch our CSV test data row by row. It has arguments to catch our CSV test data, which is going to be variable we just created. Then it has a FOR loop to iterate through the rows within that variable. And then it's going to call the navigate, enter credentials, and verify the error message. We already have all those keywords in the app keyword file. Let's give it a try. So we know that each of these test cases that are existing are capable of navigating and attempting to login and verifying the error message. I don't want to put my FOR loop out here in the test case because I feel like that looks a little bit messy, so I would rather push that down into the app keyword file and have the FOR loop inside there and calling these steps directly. So my goal here is to call the cars app and tell it to log in…
