From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

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Randomize test execution order

Randomize test execution order

- [Instructor] An interesting way to find defects in your product under test is to run your test cases in random order. Randomizing the execution of your scripts is actually pretty simple. Like I mentioned before, normally script files would execute in an alphabetical order, according to their file names. What we can do in the command line is we can use the dash dash randomize command flag combined with the word tests which would randomize only the tests within the files. Or we can use suites, which would randomize the order of the suites but keep the tests inside in the appropriate order. Or we could use all, which would of course randomize the order of the suites and the test cases inside the suites. Or we can use none to override any previously set value. So let's take a look at a couple of these. So here I've got a very basic robot framework project, and you can see that I have three files in alphanumeric order. So we would expect that these would execute in the order of feature…
