From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

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Run and debug

Run and debug

- [Instructor] Before I run though, I want to delete these individual test cases. I'm still a little bit worried about that thing being red, but let's see what happens. Open up our terminal, grab my run statement, and we'll check in our input data file. We're going to be running an edge, and we've got our base URL, the login URL is correct. So let's close this up and hit return and see what kind of trouble we can get into. So it says the script failed. Let's take a look at the results. First thing it says is there is an invalid mode RB or file name. So we have to double check to make sure that this file name exists and this mode is valid. So I'm going to go ahead and copy this and paste it up here. And then back out these escape backslashes, hit return. So that takes me to here and that's got a users.csv. So first off, let's jump back into our data directory here and make sure our path is good. Got my escape slashes, user csv. Ah, OK! I put quotes around this, shouldn't do that. I'm…
