From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

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Scenario overview

Scenario overview

- [Instructor] As usual, whenever we automate something, it's best to start with a written manual test case. So you can see here that the scenario we're testing is that we should be able to see front office contact messages in the back office within 30 seconds. And the steps are that we're going to navigate to the front office landing page, which is this. Then we're going to click on the contact to link, enter name, email, phone and the message and submit the message. So that means we will click here, and we'll type in the name, email, phone, message, and click send. It says that we need to verify that the sender is notified of success. Presumably there's a message on the site that pops up. Then we will navigate to the back office landing page, and this is where we make a transition from app one to app two, and that back office site looks like this. So we will click on the messages link, which is right here. Then we will click on a new message, and we will confirm that the message…
