From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

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- [Narrator] So now I'm going to summarize with this slide here again and hopefully it will make more sense to you now that we've gone through those examples. HTML defines the contents of a web page in a meaningful semantic way. It gives us Tags and Attributes that we use to build up the structure of the document. CSS comes along and puts styles on things, changes colors, moves things to the left, or the right, or the center, size, position, color, border, all that stuff. JavaScript is a scripting language that allows action to take place. Finally, Bootstrap rolls all those things up together in a nice tidy package and makes web development significantly easier and faster. The reason I'm showing you this is because I want you to be familiar and comfortable with all the moving parts behind the scene of any given modern webpage. So for instance when we go in here and we want to find locators for all kinds of these things it might be a little bit overwhelming when you just right click in…
