From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

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Tour the starter project

Tour the starter project

- [Instructor] Before we get started modifying this project to be data driven, I want to walk you through the project as is, so you feel comfortable with where we started, and all of my changes make sense. The tests directory and the resources directory should look very familiar by now, because this is my typical convention for creating test automation. I've got a script here that represents the website test cases, and then I've got a keyword file here, which represents the keywords. And of course my Common.robot has things like open browser, close browser, which are basically the test setup and teardown keywords. So if we explore the script here, you can see that I've included Common.robot and CarsApp.robot. That's those two files we just talked about. And as you know, we need Common for our test setup and teardown, and we need CarsApp.robot, that's where these keywords live in our test cases. One thing you may not be familiar with, if you haven't watched the end to…
