From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Level 2

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What to do if you have problems

What to do if you have problems

- [Instructor] As I mentioned in the overview video, if you're doing these upgrades sometime in the future, and there happens to be some incompatibility with your current scripts, what you can do is you can go back and you can use pip uninstall whatever library it was that you upgraded. Then you can come back and you can say pip install that same library with a double equal sign and whatever the current version was that was last working well for you. And of course that's what you would have found up here in your pip list before you started this whole process. So just keep that in mind that Open Source sometimes does have compatibility issues and such. You do have the ability to uninstall and reinstall those various libraries. And like I talked about, you've got your archive here, of web drivers, and you might consider putting a hyphen on here with the version that this was in case you want to revert back to those at some point as well. That would be handy. It might be a good idea to…
