From the course: Running a Webinar or Event on Zoom, YouTube, or Facebook

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Selecting and using a pro camera via Thunderbolt or USB3

Selecting and using a pro camera via Thunderbolt or USB3

From the course: Running a Webinar or Event on Zoom, YouTube, or Facebook

Selecting and using a pro camera via Thunderbolt or USB3

- If you want to connect to professional camera, you'll need to add a piece of hardware. This will allow you to go ahead and connect a pro camera, like a DSLR or a video camera to your computer. Now, some DSLR and mirrorless camera manufacturers have released software that will allow you to connect a more professional camera via the USB port, and then access it like it was a web camera. So that is one option that might be supported. But if you want more flexibility, stepping up to a small USB based switcher is the way to go. In this case, I'm using the ATEM Mini, which is made by a company called Black Magic Design. It has four separate inputs here, so I can route four different cameras via HDMI. I can also plug in two microphones, like I've plugged in one of the microphones here for the lavalier input, and you could load graphics and other sources. What you'll need to do is connected to your computer and launch the ATEM…
