From the course: Running a Webinar or Event on Zoom, YouTube, or Facebook

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Setting up the webinar on Facebook

Setting up the webinar on Facebook

- Facebook offers a variety tools for live streaming, whether it's on the go and on demand from your cell phone or just going live from your timeline. But for most cases, if you're doing a webinar, you're going to want to schedule an event. This will allow people to respond to the event and really sign up. I suggest if you're doing this for one of your businesses or an organization, try to connect it to the event on a page or a group that way all the members can see it. And it's easier for them to sign up and also promote it. But you are welcome to do this from your personal timeline or from any page or group that you belong to as long as you have the proper level of access, such as being a moderator or an administrator for the group. All right, what I'm going to do is switch on over to my photography blog, photofocus. For photofocus we have both a page and a group. I could choose to post something to the general public, or I…
