From the course: Salesforce Administrator Cert Prep: 5 Analytics and Mobile Administration

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Reports and dashboards folder management

Reports and dashboards folder management

- [Instructor] We've previously covered SalesForce content folder management, and now this lecture is dealing with folder management, and that can be confusing, admittedly, but those are the topics in the study guide. And so when you've seen the study guide related to folder management, that has to do with the ability to share reports or dashboards. And whether you can share a report or dashboard is you grant access to the users to the folder which the report or dashboard resides in. In order to enable others to access these folders, you will need certain permissions on the profile level in order to manage the reports in public folders or manage dashboards in public folders. And so I've gone into the system administrator profile and if you go to the system permissions, the permissions that are needed in order to extend and grant access to folders have to do with these particular settings for manage dashboards in public folders, and this is checked for the admin profile that I'm on…
