From the course: Salesforce for Admins

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- [Instructor] As great as Salesforce's core capabilities are, you can also extend your instances functionalities by leveraging other applications. Just like how a user would download apps from the Apple or Google Store, users can visit the Salesforce AppExchange to search and install solutions for Salesforce. The easiest way to visit the AppExchange store is by going to You can also get to the AppExchange by launching the full list in app launcher, and selecting the visit AppExchange button at the top right. I do recommend visiting AppExchange through the browser instead, since there's more search flexibility. You'll see a variety of both free and paid apps from many different developers, including Salesforce Labs, which provides additional in-app guidance and recommendations. AppExchange has a variety of collections, recommendations, and ways to find exactly what you're looking for. You…
