From the course: Salesforce for Admins

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Configuring search settings

Configuring search settings - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce for Admins

Configuring search settings

- [Instructor] Search layouts are the ordered field columns that are displayed in search results, lookups, or in a related list. By optimizing your search, you make it easier for users to find what they need. For example, let's say as a sales associate, I'm searching for a company with multiple branches and a parent account. I'll enter in that company in global search. I'll go ahead and select show more results. I see a number of results in my search. However, what if I wanted the results to show a parent account column to make it easier for me to look at a glance? Let's update the search layout so that I can actually see the parent account from this page. To do so, I'll go to setup by clicking on the gear cog icon and clicking setup. Once it's set up, I'll go to search search on quick find and click on search layouts. We can update search layouts based on the associated profiles, but at first select the…
