From the course: Salesforce for Admins

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Continuing your Salesforce knowledge

Continuing your Salesforce knowledge - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce for Admins

Continuing your Salesforce knowledge

- Thank you for taking the Salesforce for Admins course. I hope it continues to be a valuable resource for you as you progress in your career. Whether you are certified or not, gaining some experience troubleshooting is key to becoming a proficient administrator in the office. You may even find other ways to support your organization as you improve your skills. While certain topics such as flow were not covered in this course, you can always learn more by visiting Trailhead, or Salesforce's Help Guides. As someone who has been in your shoes, I wanted to share some advice that I wish I had known when I first became a Salesforce administrator. First, utilize sandboxes to experiment and gain hands-on experience. I learned early on that many organizations don't always follow best practices, so it's important for you to fill in technical gaps, become a problem solver and share solutions with your team, and with the wider…
