From the course: Salesforce for Admins

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Defining products and price books

Defining products and price books - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce for Admins

Defining products and price books

- [Instructor] Price Books are used to help sales teams track key details of specific product deals and sales whether they are items or services. The advantage of leveraging a price book is so that you can add the right products to the correct opportunities in Salesforce. There are two types of price books: standard and custom. Put simply, the standard price book is the master list of all products and services your organization offers and serves as the standard pricing or baseline. If your organization needs more tailored pricing, you'll most likely need to leverage custom price books more. The price book is the object used to maintain a list of products and their associated prices. You can find your organization's price books by going to App Launcher and searching for the item directly. You'll see all of them in your organization but when selected directly, get the basic details. To create a new price book, standard or custom…
